

Technology and Cryptocurrency

leading provider of online bitcoin foreign exchange (FX) trading located in west London, England. We focus more on CFD trading, spread betting and related services.

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Pluscrypto Advantages

A single globally-sourced trading platform with an associated suite of services that supports the entire global network

By joining our community you get to meet talented people from all over the world, as well as share your experience with others and learn from the best! The world`s leaders who became successful miners will explain the story of their success, give useful tips and even online consultations

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Mining is intentionally designed to be resource-intensive and difficult so that the number of blocks found each day by miners remains steady. Individual blocks must contain a proof of work to be considered valid. This proof of work is verified by other RexCoin nodes each time they receive

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Transactions are recorded into a distributed, replicated public database known as the blockchain, with consensus achieved by a proof-of-work system called mining. Upon reconnection, a node downloads and verifies new blocks from other nodes to complete its local copy of the blockchain

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Wallet Encryption
Wallet Encryption

Although the underlying code supports multiple encrypted copies of the same master key (and thus multiple passphrases) the client does not yet have a method to add additional passphrases. At runtime, the client loads the wallet as it normally would, but the keys are encrypted

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Mining Reward

The block reward started at 50 BTC in block #1 and halves every 210,000 blocks. This means every block up until block #210,000 rewards 50 BTC, while block 210,001 rewards 25. Since blocks are mined on average every 10 minutes, 144 blocks are mined per day and 210,000 blocks take 4 years

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The Fastest Transaction Speed

We value your time and patience greatly, and therefore, we take care of every transaction with maximum attention and as fast as possible. Try it for yourself by buying an account with all the benefits of a regular user and discover top features.

Testimonials & Contributors

A team of financial experts is at your service! become a member of pluscrypto community
Barbara Wilson

“Thank you for the experience and knowledge that you’ve taught us about cryptocurrencies, markets, and modern technologies. You guys rock!”

Barbara Wilson
Charlie Smith

“Just when you think you know everything about finances and Bitcoin, you meet these guys and learn about making a profit out of nothing.”

Charlie Smith
Roy Wang

“The greatest benefit that you get from working with this group is that you get to experience being a part of something extremely great and powerful.”

Roy Wang


Our Price Board
Starter Plan
100.00$ 30.00%

Maximum investment

USD 2,000.00

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Silver Plan
500.00$ 16.01%

Maximum investment

USD 2,000.00

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Gold Plan
1,500.00$ 50.50%

Maximum investment

USD 10,000.00

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Contact Me

Let’s cryp
England London
+1 (215) 653-9318

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